Protobuf and gRPC rules for Bazel

Bazel rules for building Protobuf and gRPC code and libraries from proto_library targets

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These rules provide Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) and gRPC rules for a range of languages and services.

Each supported language ({lang} below) is generally split into four rule flavours:

  • {lang}_proto_compile: Provides generated files from the Protobuf protoc plugin for the language. e.g for C++ this provides the generated * and *.pb.h files.

  • {lang}_proto_library: Provides a language-specific library from the generated Protobuf protoc plugin outputs, along with necessary dependencies. e.g for C++ this provides a Bazel native cpp_library created from the generated * and *.pb.h files, with the Protobuf library linked. For languages that do not have a ‘library’ concept, this rule may not exist.

  • {lang}_grpc_compile: Provides generated files from both the Protobuf and gRPC protoc plugins for the language. e.g for C++ this provides the generated *, *, *.pb.h and *.grpc.pb.h files.

  • {lang}_grpc_library: Provides a language-specific library from the generated Protobuf and gRPC protoc plugins outputs, along with necessary dependencies. e.g for C++ this provides a Bazel native cpp_library created from the generated *, *, *.pb.h and *.grpc.pb.h files, with the Protobuf and gRPC libraries linked. For languages that do not have a ‘library’ concept, this rule may not exist.

Therefore, if you are solely interested in the generated source code files, use the {lang}_{proto|grpc}_compile rules. Otherwise, if you want a ready-to-go library, use the {lang}_{proto|grpc}_library rules.


Add rules_proto_grpc to your WORKSPACE file and then look at the language specific examples linked below:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "rules_proto_grpc",
   sha256 = "fa7a59e0d1527ac69be652407b457ba1cb40700752a3ee6cc2dd25d9cb28bb1a",
    strip_prefix = "rules_proto_grpc-3.1.0",
    urls = [""],

load("@rules_proto_grpc//:repositories.bzl", "rules_proto_grpc_toolchains", "rules_proto_grpc_repos")

load("@rules_proto//proto:repositories.bzl", "rules_proto_dependencies", "rules_proto_toolchains")

It is recommended that you use the tagged releases for stable rules. Master is intended to be ‘ready-to-use’, but may be unstable at certain periods. To be notified of new releases, you can use GitHub’s ‘Watch Releases Only’ on the repository.

Note: You will also need to follow instructions in the language-specific pages for additional workspace dependencies that may be required.