:author: rules_proto_grpc :description: rules_proto_grpc Bazel rules for Scala :keywords: Bazel, Protobuf, gRPC, Protocol Buffers, Rules, Build, Starlark, Scala Scala ===== Rules for generating Scala protobuf and gRPC ``.jar`` files and libraries using `ScalaPB `_. Libraries are created with ``scala_library`` from `rules_scala `_ .. list-table:: Rules :widths: 1 2 :header-rows: 1 * - Rule - Description * - `scala_proto_compile`_ - Generates a Scala protobuf ``.jar`` file * - `scala_grpc_compile`_ - Generates Scala protobuf and gRPC ``.jar`` file * - `scala_proto_library`_ - Generates a Scala protobuf library using ``scala_library`` from ``rules_scala`` * - `scala_grpc_library`_ - Generates a Scala protobuf and gRPC library using ``scala_library`` from ``rules_scala`` .. _scala_proto_compile: scala_proto_compile ------------------- Generates a Scala protobuf ``.jar`` file Example ******* Full example project can be found `here `__ ``WORKSPACE`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python load("@rules_proto_grpc//scala:repositories.bzl", RULES_PROTO_GRPC_SCALA_MAVEN_ARTIFACTS = "MAVEN_ARTIFACTS", rules_proto_grpc_scala_repos = "scala_repos") rules_proto_grpc_scala_repos() load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//:scala_config.bzl", "scala_config") scala_config() load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_repositories") scala_repositories() load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:toolchains.bzl", "scala_register_toolchains") scala_register_toolchains() load("@rules_jvm_external//:defs.bzl", "maven_install") maven_install( name = "rules_proto_grpc_scala_maven", artifacts = RULES_PROTO_GRPC_SCALA_MAVEN_ARTIFACTS, repositories = [ "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2", ], ) ``BUILD.bazel`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python load("@rules_proto_grpc//scala:defs.bzl", "scala_proto_compile") scala_proto_compile( name = "person_scala_proto", protos = ["@rules_proto_grpc//example/proto:person_proto"], ) scala_proto_compile( name = "place_scala_proto", protos = ["@rules_proto_grpc//example/proto:place_proto"], ) scala_proto_compile( name = "thing_scala_proto", protos = ["@rules_proto_grpc//example/proto:thing_proto"], ) Attributes ********** .. list-table:: Attributes for scala_proto_compile :widths: 1 1 1 1 4 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Mandatory - Default - Description * - ``protos`` - ``label_list`` - true - - List of labels that provide the ``ProtoInfo`` provider (such as ``proto_library`` from ``rules_proto``) * - ``options`` - ``string_list_dict`` - false - ``[]`` - Extra options to pass to plugins, as a dict of plugin label -> list of strings. The key * can be used exclusively to apply to all plugins * - ``verbose`` - ``int`` - false - ``0`` - The verbosity level. Supported values and results are 0: Show nothing, 1: Show command, 2: Show command and sandbox after running protoc, 3: Show command and sandbox before and after running protoc, 4. Show env, command, expected outputs and sandbox before and after running protoc * - ``prefix_path`` - ``string`` - false - ``""`` - Path to prefix to the generated files in the output directory * - ``extra_protoc_args`` - ``string_list`` - false - ``[]`` - A list of extra args to pass directly to protoc, not as plugin options * - ``extra_protoc_files`` - ``label_list`` - false - ``[]`` - List of labels that provide extra files to be available during protoc execution * - ``output_mode`` - ``string`` - false - ``PREFIXED`` - The output mode for the target. PREFIXED (the default) will output to a directory named by the target within the current package root, NO_PREFIX will output directly to the current package. Using NO_PREFIX may lead to conflicting writes Plugins ******* - `@rules_proto_grpc//scala:scala_plugin `__ .. _scala_grpc_compile: scala_grpc_compile ------------------ Generates Scala protobuf and gRPC ``.jar`` file Example ******* Full example project can be found `here `__ ``WORKSPACE`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python load("@rules_proto_grpc//scala:repositories.bzl", RULES_PROTO_GRPC_SCALA_MAVEN_ARTIFACTS = "MAVEN_ARTIFACTS", rules_proto_grpc_scala_repos = "scala_repos") rules_proto_grpc_scala_repos() load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//:scala_config.bzl", "scala_config") scala_config() load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_repositories") scala_repositories() load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:toolchains.bzl", "scala_register_toolchains") scala_register_toolchains() load("@io_grpc_grpc_java//:repositories.bzl", "grpc_java_repositories") grpc_java_repositories() load("@rules_jvm_external//:defs.bzl", "maven_install") maven_install( name = "rules_proto_grpc_scala_maven", artifacts = RULES_PROTO_GRPC_SCALA_MAVEN_ARTIFACTS, repositories = [ "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2", ], ) ``BUILD.bazel`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python load("@rules_proto_grpc//scala:defs.bzl", "scala_grpc_compile") scala_grpc_compile( name = "thing_scala_grpc", protos = ["@rules_proto_grpc//example/proto:thing_proto"], ) scala_grpc_compile( name = "greeter_scala_grpc", protos = ["@rules_proto_grpc//example/proto:greeter_grpc"], ) Attributes ********** .. list-table:: Attributes for scala_grpc_compile :widths: 1 1 1 1 4 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Mandatory - Default - Description * - ``protos`` - ``label_list`` - true - - List of labels that provide the ``ProtoInfo`` provider (such as ``proto_library`` from ``rules_proto``) * - ``options`` - ``string_list_dict`` - false - ``[]`` - Extra options to pass to plugins, as a dict of plugin label -> list of strings. The key * can be used exclusively to apply to all plugins * - ``verbose`` - ``int`` - false - ``0`` - The verbosity level. Supported values and results are 0: Show nothing, 1: Show command, 2: Show command and sandbox after running protoc, 3: Show command and sandbox before and after running protoc, 4. Show env, command, expected outputs and sandbox before and after running protoc * - ``prefix_path`` - ``string`` - false - ``""`` - Path to prefix to the generated files in the output directory * - ``extra_protoc_args`` - ``string_list`` - false - ``[]`` - A list of extra args to pass directly to protoc, not as plugin options * - ``extra_protoc_files`` - ``label_list`` - false - ``[]`` - List of labels that provide extra files to be available during protoc execution * - ``output_mode`` - ``string`` - false - ``PREFIXED`` - The output mode for the target. PREFIXED (the default) will output to a directory named by the target within the current package root, NO_PREFIX will output directly to the current package. Using NO_PREFIX may lead to conflicting writes Plugins ******* - `@rules_proto_grpc//scala:grpc_scala_plugin `__ .. _scala_proto_library: scala_proto_library ------------------- Generates a Scala protobuf library using ``scala_library`` from ``rules_scala`` Example ******* Full example project can be found `here `__ ``WORKSPACE`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python load("@rules_proto_grpc//scala:repositories.bzl", RULES_PROTO_GRPC_SCALA_MAVEN_ARTIFACTS = "MAVEN_ARTIFACTS", rules_proto_grpc_scala_repos = "scala_repos") rules_proto_grpc_scala_repos() load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//:scala_config.bzl", "scala_config") scala_config() load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_repositories") scala_repositories() load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:toolchains.bzl", "scala_register_toolchains") scala_register_toolchains() load("@rules_jvm_external//:defs.bzl", "maven_install") maven_install( name = "rules_proto_grpc_scala_maven", artifacts = RULES_PROTO_GRPC_SCALA_MAVEN_ARTIFACTS, repositories = [ "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2", ], ) ``BUILD.bazel`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python load("@rules_proto_grpc//scala:defs.bzl", "scala_proto_library") scala_proto_library( name = "person_scala_proto", protos = ["@rules_proto_grpc//example/proto:person_proto"], deps = ["place_scala_proto"], ) scala_proto_library( name = "place_scala_proto", protos = ["@rules_proto_grpc//example/proto:place_proto"], deps = ["thing_scala_proto"], ) scala_proto_library( name = "thing_scala_proto", protos = ["@rules_proto_grpc//example/proto:thing_proto"], ) Attributes ********** .. list-table:: Attributes for scala_proto_library :widths: 1 1 1 1 4 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Mandatory - Default - Description * - ``protos`` - ``label_list`` - true - - List of labels that provide the ``ProtoInfo`` provider (such as ``proto_library`` from ``rules_proto``) * - ``options`` - ``string_list_dict`` - false - ``[]`` - Extra options to pass to plugins, as a dict of plugin label -> list of strings. The key * can be used exclusively to apply to all plugins * - ``verbose`` - ``int`` - false - ``0`` - The verbosity level. Supported values and results are 0: Show nothing, 1: Show command, 2: Show command and sandbox after running protoc, 3: Show command and sandbox before and after running protoc, 4. Show env, command, expected outputs and sandbox before and after running protoc * - ``prefix_path`` - ``string`` - false - ``""`` - Path to prefix to the generated files in the output directory * - ``extra_protoc_args`` - ``string_list`` - false - ``[]`` - A list of extra args to pass directly to protoc, not as plugin options * - ``extra_protoc_files`` - ``label_list`` - false - ``[]`` - List of labels that provide extra files to be available during protoc execution * - ``output_mode`` - ``string`` - false - ``PREFIXED`` - The output mode for the target. PREFIXED (the default) will output to a directory named by the target within the current package root, NO_PREFIX will output directly to the current package. Using NO_PREFIX may lead to conflicting writes * - ``deps`` - ``label_list`` - false - ``[]`` - List of labels to pass as deps attr to underlying lang_library rule * - ``exports`` - ``label_list`` - false - ``[]`` - List of labels to pass as exports attr to underlying lang_library rule .. _scala_grpc_library: scala_grpc_library ------------------ Generates a Scala protobuf and gRPC library using ``scala_library`` from ``rules_scala`` Example ******* Full example project can be found `here `__ ``WORKSPACE`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python load("@rules_proto_grpc//scala:repositories.bzl", RULES_PROTO_GRPC_SCALA_MAVEN_ARTIFACTS = "MAVEN_ARTIFACTS", rules_proto_grpc_scala_repos = "scala_repos") rules_proto_grpc_scala_repos() load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//:scala_config.bzl", "scala_config") scala_config() load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_repositories") scala_repositories() load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:toolchains.bzl", "scala_register_toolchains") scala_register_toolchains() load("@io_grpc_grpc_java//:repositories.bzl", "grpc_java_repositories") grpc_java_repositories() load("@rules_jvm_external//:defs.bzl", "maven_install") maven_install( name = "rules_proto_grpc_scala_maven", artifacts = RULES_PROTO_GRPC_SCALA_MAVEN_ARTIFACTS, repositories = [ "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2", ], ) ``BUILD.bazel`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python load("@rules_proto_grpc//scala:defs.bzl", "scala_grpc_library") scala_grpc_library( name = "thing_scala_grpc", protos = ["@rules_proto_grpc//example/proto:thing_proto"], ) scala_grpc_library( name = "greeter_scala_grpc", protos = ["@rules_proto_grpc//example/proto:greeter_grpc"], deps = ["thing_scala_grpc"], ) Attributes ********** .. list-table:: Attributes for scala_grpc_library :widths: 1 1 1 1 4 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Mandatory - Default - Description * - ``protos`` - ``label_list`` - true - - List of labels that provide the ``ProtoInfo`` provider (such as ``proto_library`` from ``rules_proto``) * - ``options`` - ``string_list_dict`` - false - ``[]`` - Extra options to pass to plugins, as a dict of plugin label -> list of strings. The key * can be used exclusively to apply to all plugins * - ``verbose`` - ``int`` - false - ``0`` - The verbosity level. Supported values and results are 0: Show nothing, 1: Show command, 2: Show command and sandbox after running protoc, 3: Show command and sandbox before and after running protoc, 4. Show env, command, expected outputs and sandbox before and after running protoc * - ``prefix_path`` - ``string`` - false - ``""`` - Path to prefix to the generated files in the output directory * - ``extra_protoc_args`` - ``string_list`` - false - ``[]`` - A list of extra args to pass directly to protoc, not as plugin options * - ``extra_protoc_files`` - ``label_list`` - false - ``[]`` - List of labels that provide extra files to be available during protoc execution * - ``output_mode`` - ``string`` - false - ``PREFIXED`` - The output mode for the target. PREFIXED (the default) will output to a directory named by the target within the current package root, NO_PREFIX will output directly to the current package. Using NO_PREFIX may lead to conflicting writes * - ``deps`` - ``label_list`` - false - ``[]`` - List of labels to pass as deps attr to underlying lang_library rule * - ``exports`` - ``label_list`` - false - ``[]`` - List of labels to pass as exports attr to underlying lang_library rule